I'm sure part of what keeps me interested in learning more, more, more about the work I do is that while the problems riders express with their riding may sound the same, the solutions to those problems are very individual. We all come to riding with a whole host of different experiences that can result in our holding tension in our bodies and blocking the flow of energy from the horse through us. How and where we hold this this tension appears in so many different ways that it is always a challenge to find it, and an even greater challenge for the rider to be able to release it. Often what comes with this release is tears and/or an emotional release that many riders don't expect. What that release allows is a deeper connection with their horse and an ability to move power through their body more effectively. Your horse will celebrate with you when you are courageous enough to deal with the causes of the tension and then let it go! Modern science will tell you that holding on to stress is not healthy for you and can be the cause of many serious illnesses. Having a deep connection with your horse is a healthy sign well worth working for!
I'm happy to do my part!
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